Who knew a psychopath could be so much fun? Sandra Oh (Grey’s Anatomy) returns to her Golden Globe
Award-winning role as Eve Pelastri, a brilliant MI-6 spy whose boring desk job takes an exciting turn when
someone hires mysterious Villanelle (Emmy® Award-winner Jodie Cromer, Doctor Foster) to kill her. You’ll expect
Eve’s adventures to end after she stabs Villanelle to apparent death, but when Villanelle disappears instead of
dying, Eve scrambles to find her missing would-be assassin before someone else does. Brace yourself for deathdefying
twists and turns as the two classy combatants fight for their lives. Fiona Shaw (Harry Potter films, Mrs
Wilson) also stars in this deadly and outrageously entertaining cat-and-mouse game, lavishly filmed in London,
Paris and Amsterdam. High style and great fun from The BBC.