From the same imagination that brought you Zauberball, Schoppel Wolle's Lace Ball is an airy pick for any lace knitting project. With vibrant, long-repeat colorways and a soft, floaty feel, this yarn will bring fun to your finest projects.
Materials & Care
From the same imagination that brought you Zauberball, Schoppel Wolle's Lace Ball is an airy pick for any lace knitting project. With vibrant, long-repeat colorways and a soft, floaty feel, this yarn will bring fun to your finest projects.
- Fiber Content: Fiber: 75% Superwash Wool, 25% Nylon
- Weight: Lace
- Skein Weight / Yardage: 50g/137yds
- Gauge: 7 sts = 1" on US 4-6
- Care: Machine Wash Gentle